COVID Forms and FAQs
Dentistry is HIGH RISK as it deals in the UPPER RESPIRATORY AREA! Below are a selection of forms for completion BEFORE ANY TREATMENT can be done. | |
Please click on the links below to complete online or you may print off, complete and scan / photo back via email to: |
OR ( if you do not have access to a printer )
STEP 1: Please open the forms by clicking on it.
STEP 2: It should open in Adobe PDF Reader (a free program installed on most computers) where you should be able to fill in your answers, and then save to your computer using the File–>Save As option in the top left corner of Adobe Reader.
STEP 3: Finally email it to our office at: by attaching this file you have saved on your computer using your normal email program.
EXISTING Patient Medical History Form: Complete Online or (Download printable version)
NEW Patient Medical History Form: Complete Online or (Download printable version)
FORM 1: Patient Screening Online Form or (Download printable version)
FORM 2: COVID-19 Pandemic Dental Risk Form or (Download printable version)
Although we are an assignment office ( we deal with your insurance directly ), with new protocols in place, we advise you to contact your insurance company and get the proper breakdown of your benefits so that there will be no surprises. We need a credit card ( or any other method of payment ) on file to cover your co-pay.
Here is a list of questions to ask your provider: Click Here