Waterfront Dentistry By Pauls


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Serving the Dental Care needs of Belleville and the Quinte area now for over 30 years. We are a premier Belleville Dentist providing extensive family dental care in-house including:

Teeth Checkups and Teeth Cleaning

Dental Implants

Crowns and Dental Bridge

Crown Lengthening


Dental Hygiene

CariVu™ Cracked Tooth Detection

Replacing Teeth

Root Canals

Pin Hole procedure

Snoring and Apnea

Oral Cancer Screening

Partial Dentures

Child Dental Care

Emergency Dental

False Teeth

Restorative Dentistry

Gum procedures

broken tooth repair

Teeth Bonding

Tooth Extraction

Wisdom teeth extractions

Botox therapy

If you are interested or in need of any of these services, please complete the form below:

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